Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA) partnered with Global Network of Disaster Reduction (GNDR) to implement the Views from the Frontline project (VFL) 2019. VFL 2019 aims at strengthening inclusion and collaboration between people in disaster prone areas, civil society and government in the design and implementation of policies and practices in order to reduce risks and strengthen resilience.

Members (Audience) who attended the Workshop


The project was implemented in four risk areas of Bugisu Sub-Region, Kabale District, Kasese District and Kampala District. And in fifteen communities of Bikone, Kinyuku, Kaghema upper, Kaghema Lower, Bwaise II, Namwongo, Katanga, Nfasha, Kigarama-Kahondo, Muyebe, Kijuguta, Namukhuyu, Namafulyungu, Namabasa Zone 4 lower and Namabasa Zone 4 upper.

The following has been achieved across the 15 communities;

  • Awareness raising
  • Building Community resilience
  • Participatory community engagement
  • Develops mechanisms for community protection
  • Improved community livelihoods
  • Fulfilment for the Global and national agendas like SDGs, SFDRR, NDPIII
  • Improved relationship between government, CSOs and community members
  • Action plans used as monitoring and evaluation tools

Chairperson Parliamentary committee for Climate change [with a Microphone]

  • Active participation at all levels
  • Community ownership of CAPs
  • Commitment of the government leaders to the process
  • knowledge on Climate Smart Agriculture


Uganda organised a high level multi-stakeholder workshop that was attended by the VFL 2019 National Advisory Committee Members (NAC), Members of parliament of Uganda, VFL 2019 Partner Organisations, National CSOs, Uganda RAG representatives, GNDR members in Uganda, Academia, Media, Office of the prime minister in Uganda, DENIVA Board Members, DENIVA members and Local government officials. 50 participants attended the workshop face to face and others will join online from different parts of the country/world. The national multi-stakeholder dialogue was focusing on the following national conclusions of the project;

  • Disaster losses has increased in the last 5-10 years in Uganda.
  • Ecosystems development plans have not been implemented in the communities in Uganda.
  • Famine, poverty and diseases/epidemics are the greatest threats that the younger generation in Uganda are likely to face when they grow up.
  • There is larger impact of the disasters on the women due to lack of access to resources and information to reduce the impact of the disaster risks.
  • Government does not provide resources to the community to address risks/threats and it has no budget at all dedicated for addressing identified risks/threats in the community.
  • Time and lack of information prevents the community from being part of the DRR aspects.
  • Government has not put in efforts to ensure coherence between strategies to reduce risks, adapt to climate change and reduce poverty.
  • There is lack of enabling environment to systematically reduce the impacts of risks and increase resilience of the communities
  • The Civil Society Organisation involves all members of the community in reviewing and assessing the most significant threats.
  • Lack of national DRM Bill in the country.


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