Workshop participation­ on Strategizing capacity building for members

Some of the members present for the workshop

The workshop training on how to improve capacity building for members involved 9 Umbrella organization participants each organization with 3 staff at Golf Course Hotel Kampala on 5th-6th May 2022 hosted by GIZ-CUSP. Among the organization, selected to participate in the workshop DENIVA was selected to strategize and improve concepts on how to build capacity of member organizations effectively and sustainably.

The GIZ team were the facilitators of the workshop who presented about the Capacity Building Cycle. The Cycle entails 4 phases and these are; Needs Assessment, Planning, Implementation & Monitoring, and Evaluation & Learning.  The CAP building cycle discussions were group participatory and out of the discussions, members identified key approaches of capacity building. The approaches include; mentoring, coaching, training, story telling, and peer-to-pear learning.

Organizations present for the Workshop

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