Radio Talkshow in Busoga Sub Region to strengthen DENIVA/QuAM networks and structures

A Radio talkshow on BABA 87.7 FM was held yesterday June 22, 2022 to strengthen DENIVA and QuAM Structures and Systems in Jinja district. The talkshow involved MS. Sophie Kange- DENIVA E.D, Butamanya Gilbert-Deputy CAO Jinja, Abako Scholastica – Officer at FABIO, Fredrick Olinga-Ag. National QuAM Coordinator.

The talkshow sensitized the NGOs about the relevance and value for internal self-regulation to meet NGO quality standards.


Ms. Sophie Kange-DENIVA Executive Director in Studios of BABA FM Jinja sensitizing the value of QuAM in Busoga Sub Region
Mr. Fredrick Olinga Ag. National QuAM Coordinator in Studios of BABA FM Jinja creating awareness of QuAM in Busoga Sub Region



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